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欧诗丹顿(江苏)智能装备有限公司于2022年成立,坐落在美丽的六朝古都南京市雨花台区,是一家工贸一体的公司,公司主要从事项目有机械设备研发,设计,生产,安装,维修,销售, 及售后为一体的现代化企业。一直以来,欧诗丹顿公司始终坚持产品不断创新与优异品质,高效,迅捷,的为客户产品售前咨询和售后服务,我们从各个方面提高奋进,努力让自己成为优秀的供应商之一,同时我们始终以创造社会价值为己任,不懈探索企业发展规律,逐步把自己打造成一个领先于行业的企业品牌。 

公司产品防范用于高空作业,建筑桥梁,风力发电,汽车制造,石油,化工,煤矿,船舶,工业自动化流水线等,并为客户提供全面的作业解决方案,欧诗丹顿公司拥有自主出口权,并通过1SO90012008国际质量管理体系认证,欧盟CE,SGS等多项国际国内认证,公司营销网络己遍布全国各地, 产品远销欧洲,亚洲,非洲,美州等众多国家和地区,欧诗丹顿公司欢迎您的加入,期待与您成为优秀的合作伙伴。 


OSD (JIANGSU) INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT CO.LTD, founded in 2022, is located in the beautiful ancient capital of six dynasties, it is a company integrating industry,the company mainly engaged in the project with mechanical equipment research and development, design, production, installation, maintenance, marketing, and after-sale as one of the modern enterprise. For a long time, OSTANTON company always adhere to product innovation and high quality,efficient, fast, providing custom-ers with products of the pre-sale consultation and after-sale service,we improve the endeavour from each aspect, efforts to let oneself become one of the best suppliers, we are always at the same time in order to create social value as own duty, unremitting exploration enterprise law of develop-ment, gradually turned himself into aleading brand in the industry. Company products are widely used in aerial work, building Bridges, wind power, automotive, petroleum,chemical industry, coal mining, Marine, industrial automation production line, etc.,and provide customers with comprehen-sive solutions, the company has independent export rights, and through ISO9001 '2008 interna tional quality management system certification, the European Union CE,SGS and so on many international and domestic certification, OSTAN-TON Company has sales network throughout the country, products are exported to Europe, Asia, Africa, the americas and other countries and regions, OSTANTON company welcome you to join, look forward to working with you to become good partners.
